Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Camera Shots and Angles from Juno

This shot is an Extreme Long Shot and this is used to show thw subject is extemely small in relation to other figures, this is frequently used in an exterior establishing shot

This is a Two Shot and this is used to show two people in a frame and show the relationship between them

This is a Long Shot and this is used to show where the girl is and also establish where the actor is in the frame in relation to the setting.

This is a shot from behind and also a tracking shot where it is following the girl from behind. This shot is used to make the audience feel as if their following her and you can feel the emotion she is feeling and how scared and alone she is going through this situation.

This is a Medium Shot and this is used to show the girl lookin at the pregnacy test in disbleif and the guy behind the counter is trying to see what the pregnancy test.

This is Shot-Reverse-Shot and this is used to show that two people are having a convosation

This is an Extreme Close-Up this is used to show detail on the face eyes ears etc and to show that the guys whispering to her about something private

This shot os a Medium Close-Up and this is used to show the audience how the character is feeling and thinking.

This shot is an Establishing Shot, this is used se relarions between figures, objects and the setting of a film or scene.

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